Join us for cricket and other sports in Vancouver. We offer cricket for adults and kids.

Welcome to LankanBC Club

LankanBC Cricket Club is a premier sports club in Vancouver, specializing in cricket for both adults and kids. Our mission is to promote the sport of cricket and provide a platform for players of all levels to showcase their talent.

Our Services

man in white pants and blue baseball mitt holding baseball bat during daytime
man in white pants and blue baseball mitt holding baseball bat during daytime
Cricket Coaching

We offer professional cricket coaching services for all age groups and skill levels. Our experienced coaches provide personalized training to help players improve their technique and performance.

green and brown statue under blue sky during daytime
green and brown statue under blue sky during daytime
Cricket Matches

Join our cricket matches and showcase your skills on the field. We organize friendly matches and tournaments for players to compete and enjoy the game.

man in black jacket holding yellow and green plastic bottle
man in black jacket holding yellow and green plastic bottle
people playing soccer on green field during daytime
people playing soccer on green field during daytime
Sports Events

Apart from cricket, we also organize various sports events for our members. From soccer to basketball, we offer a range of sports activities to keep you active and engaged.

Social Gatherings

We believe in building a strong community of sports enthusiasts. Join us for social gatherings and connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for cricket and other sports.

people watching game of cricket during sunset
man in white pants and blue baseball mitt holding baseball bat during daytime
man in white pants and blue baseball mitt holding baseball bat during daytime

Contact Us

For inquiries and more information, please feel free to reach out to us.

red and black ball illustration
red and black ball illustration